It is a horrible, wet, miserable, blasted vile day outside. I cycled into work this morning: got wet, but at least I got in. There is a certain pleasure in wheeling past a locked queue of of the bastards nearly got me with his door, though. It is now 10.30 ish, and I still have to do anything that remotely resembles work, even though I have plenty waiting for me. Clearing up the mounds of shit on my desk, for one thing. I am kind of cramped into one corner of it, piles of books and paper threatening to topple over. At least noone can see what I'm doing.
The weekend also was rather tedious. Did the shopping on Sat. planned to start buying Xmas goodies, but failed. Bought myself some shoes instead, as I'm in desperate need of them. Sloped out in the evening: ended up at The Purple Turtle, where I saw an old shoolmate. Talked drunkenly to him for several hours and found it strangely uplifting. Staggered home at some godforsaken hour.
Sunday: loafed around in dressing gown till gone one. Made a Turkish Breakfast of sorts: olives, white cheese, bit of meat, boiled egg, bread, honey and tea. mmmm. Also went out for a walk, a Sunday Habit that has lapsed somewhat since I got married. Walked along Hemdean Bottom, up to the ridge then up towards Emmer Green and back. Short walk, but refreshing.
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