Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Not mine, but the general atmosphere within the college at present. Blame it on the weather, blame it on the ridiculous amount of work we have, blame it on some departments having to submit to an OFSTED re-inspection, but there are a lot of long faces about at the moment. There are also an awful lot of absences, both of teachers and students: I'm missing half my class. Whether this is actually due to illness is a moot point. One I know is genuinely ill; Another had to go to Manchester because his brother was in a car accident; some have just disappeared. One (soon to be ex-student) said he couldn't be arsed. Another has just called in to say she's had a fire in her bathroom: Presumably from where she was trying to torch the corpse of a lodger, although I suspect my telling her to come to my office today for a bollocking may have had something to do with her non-appearance. The Chinese students, in particular, are exasperating in their lame excuses for absence. Examples include:
  • I had a great fever
  • I had to go to Police Station
  • I had to help my friend move house
  • I helped friend to hospital - he/she had a great fever
  • I went to university to look at it
  • my friend's cousin came to holiday, I went to airport, that's why I haven't been here for three weeks
  • I thought it was holiday - my friend told me it was

And so on. Shit on a stick.

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